Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Five goals the AUBELE team wants to reach until 2011:

(1) Energy efficiency: AUBELE street lights use about 50% less energy than conventional gas discharge lamps, which saves energy (and thus CO2). The energy savings do not only help to protect the environment at a crucial time, they also lift financial burdens on cities and communities.

(2) No light pollution: Because LED strip can be precisely directed, light pollution is minmal. This does not only help astronomers observing the night skies, it also protects many animals as well as the human health.

(3) Insect-friendlieness: Since the light of LEDs is much less appealing to many nocturnal insects, almost no insects die in the lamps, which also greatly reduces cleaning and maintenance costs.

(4) Long life span: While most conventional gas discharge lamps can only be used for about 12.000 hours, our safety light system has an average life span of about 50.000 hours.

(5) Self-sufficiency: In order to supply remote bus stops with energy without having to install underground power lines, the system needs to be completely self-sufficient. The AUBELE team hopes to achive that goal by combining a hydrogen fuel cell with (optional) solar panels, making the system independent of the local energy saving lamp infrastructure.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich H. P. Fischer-Hirchert
Professor for Communications Technology

Fon: +49 (0) 3943 935 615
Fax: +49 (0) 3943 935 616
Mail: ufischerhirchert@hs-harz.de
Web: http://ufischerhirchert.hs-harz.de

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